A BAIT: The use of treat baits such as ferrettone to stop squirming during
nail clipping.
BOOB TUBES: Two ferrets abreast.
CON ANIMA: A ferret which tricks a human into giving it a treat, usually
through fake visits to the litter box.
DORK: Anyone working for the CaCa Fish and Gestapo.
ENTERITIS: The frenzied rush of ferrets to enter a ferret free zone.
EXHUME: Digging bits of organic rubble out of the hidey hole.
FERRET TONE: The frequency of a ferret whine.
G'DAY TRAY: The Aussie term for a ferret litter box.
G.E. WHIZ: Otter Water under the refrigerator.
HAZELNUT: The color of the goodies hanging under a chocolate hob.
INTENT:  Inside a lady's skirt.
JOLLY ROGER: A hob in action.
JOYSTICK: A ferret's bacula.
KIT SHIN DINNER: A baby ferret chewing on the front of your lower leg.
KNOCKERS: When two ferrets bump into each other repeatedly.
LAWLESSLESS: The state of ferrets who refuses to watch Xena.
MONKEY MEAT: The unknown meat in ferret kibble.
NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS: Ferrets that belong to someone else.
NOODLE: The shape of ferrets in a can of worms.
NOODLE DOODLE: When a ferret poopie has a symbolic shape, such as the
infinity sign.
OTTER WATER: Those bright yellow floor puddles no ferret will own up to.
PICKUP LINE: Occurs when you pick up a poopie and several ferrets queue up
to see exactly what you are doing and how they can help.
PROCRASTINATE: What ferret owners do instead of picking up poopie.
QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS: The attempt to count ferrets while they are running
around the room.
QUANTITY THEORY: The rules associated with ferret math.
QUASIMOTOR: When a humped back ferret war dances around the room.
RHEA: A bird commonly killed by ferrets in CaCa Land, usually while uttering
the word "die" at the same time.
SNOT FUNNY: When a ferret snorkles in your nostril.
SWEET MEAT: The location on the inside of the elbow where a ferret loves
to bite.
TANGLE RANGLE: A person holding four or more excited ferrets trying to
get at each other.
TITTIE TWISTER: A ferret spinning inside your shirt.
UNDER WAY: The shortcut the ferret takes under the sofa.
VIENNA SAUSAGE: An Austrian ferret.
WILDCAT: A ferret in a running frenzy.
WYSIWYC: refers to the standard rule of poopie cleanup: What you see is
what you clean.
X MARKS THE SPOT: Any location away from the litter box.
YAK: The organic material left after a ferret upchuck.
YEARN: The southern term for otter water.
YELLOW DOG: A champaigne hob.
YELLOWTAIL: A tail that was dragged through otter water.
YIPS: When a ferret yells while nipping another ferret.
YUCCA: What a ferret says when living in CaCa Land (yuc!).
ZEBRA: What ze ferret ducks into when slinking down ze blouse.
ZOOM BOOM: A ferret farting while running.
Bob C and 20 MO Procrastinatin' Pherts
[Posted in FML issue 2338]