I am SO short on time.  Spent about 40 hours this week already on ferrets...
Veterinary treatment is not just for quantity of life it's also for quality
of life.  Some illnesses do NOT become as limiting and do NOT become as
uncomfortable (some don't become uncomfortable at all) IF -- repeat: IF --
they are treated.  It's not cruel.  We treat when it will help and get
mercy shots when it's the best option for the ferret.  Heck, without
treatment 'Choppie wouldn't be alive now, but she happily steals my
neckbrace, covers us with kisses, and rules the roost!  Without an
operation to remove the malignancy on her adrenal Meltdown would not have
had anouther 3 and 1/2 years to enjoy.  Not everyone can be blessed with
critters who are in perfect health or who haven't suffered earlier in life
and may still be paying for that; there's nothing inhumane about giving
them a chance, just as there is nothing inhumane about giving the last gift
of a mercy shot when there are no other options which will provide a happy
life for a ailing ferret.
We once ran into ascites in PRE-cardiomyopthy.  If it's liver and surgery
will be done have a couple of big males around in case a blood donor is
needed.  Livers sometimes bleed a good bit.
Sorry about getting the gender of the current NH governor wrong!  Anyone
who like ferrets is good enough for me!<G>
Gads, John, diabetes is rare in ferrets, but talk about EXACTLY the WRONG
med... We personally have had WONDERFUL experiences with proglycem, but we
got it pre-prepared and I don't know the concentrations.
No, there aren't a huge number of ferrets ill and being discussed --
probably about 1% of the ferrets represented here at any given time, but
there are a LOT of ferrets represented here with all the shelters really
bringing up the total.  It's just that folks here UNDERSTAND, and they tend
to have good advice, too.
Re: Ferret Rules for Human Ownership.  Mine want to add a few things:
to Bathroom Activities:  Climb up their clothing and slide down the insides
of their pants legs, being sure to tickle them.  If (when) they become
exasperated make cute by getting in your litter pot and copying them.
to Bath Time, Their's:  act worried if human dunks head to remove shampoo
or wash face; this gets LOTS of treats.
to Bath Time, Your's:  Drying off is a great time to climb inside clothing;
they feel too guilty to stop you.
Chopper says that no matter whose bath it is drink as much yummy bath water
as possible.
AH who is anonymous: Have you considered trying to reach Freddie Hoffman c/o
the AFA at [log in to unmask]  She's a pediatrician from what I've been told,
and may be able to put your land lord's mind at ease.
[Posted in FML issue 2338]