My vet faxed me these results this morning:
Description of fluid            Blood stained fluid
Red cells                       1,260,000   /ul<1
Nucleated cells                 8,900       /ul
Specific gravity                1.020
Protein (Fluid)                 20          g/l
The pathology peaople said it looks like the liver, either trauma, tissue
inflammation, cancer, hepatic disease or heart disease.  My vet went through
the blood test results with me again and said it's unlikely to be an
inflammation because the white blood cell counts are normal and they would
be up with an inflammation.  And Angel would be lethargic if she had an
infection.  He even said that it's likely to be the heart but I said she
would be ill if it was the heart because wouldn't it be in the last stages
when the ascites starts?  So we decided to put her on diuretics (sp?) to
get rid of the ascites and then see how she is.  The medicine is called
Feusannai 20 mg but it's not clearly written so I'm not sure.  I have to
give her 1/8 th of a tablet morning and night.
We also did another scan today and the vet who did the scan said he could
see something on the liver, some growths though he wasn't 100% sure and told
Mr Batten that it must be the liver and not the heart, he had a really long,
good look and I didn't understand all they talked about but it looks like
some form of surgery is the next step.
So that's all I can say, hope somebody can help us a little.
Ulrike and kids
[Posted in FML issue 2337]