>Then again he likes the skeleton of an old Christmas ornament.  It's the
>insides of a satin ball which one day he decided needed more exploring.
>Six balls later and a whole house full of satin thread loose on the floor
>he found the ones he wanted.  I tie a string to the ball and hang it from
>the ceiling.  He chases it in circles for what seems to be forever.
My kids love Christmas ornaments, too.  I think they like the fact that the
ornaments make a louder noise than most balls when they roll on the floor,
and they also like the fact that they can pick them up easier than a ball by
grabbing onto the end where the hanger goes.  I haven't tried hanging
ornaments from the ceiling for them, but I bet they'd like it.
Mom of Zorro, Claudia, and Loki
[Posted in FML issue 2336]