Hi All,
I'm mostly a lurker but I had to respond to the post about the ferret
killing the kitten.  When I got my first ferret Snowy over 6 years ago (she
has recently passed over the Bridge) we had this momma cat that had a litter
of kittens every year( she has also passed .leukemia.)  Snowy would get in
the box with them and cuddle up to them and go to sleep.  Her and momma cat
were best buddies.  We got another ferret a year later(Skittles) and she
would do the same thing, but she also killed my daughter's gerbil and hid it
in her hidey hole.She didn't eat it just hid it.  My third ferret Bandit
also like the kittens but she hates my newest three ferrets that I adopted
last year from my son and one of his friends.  I have tried to get her to
except them but she is really nasty to them.  She's a sweetheart to Skittles
her cagemate and to us of course but she hates the other three.  I guess I
stuck with seperate out times forever.
Debbie and her 6(5) crazy ladies
(there will always be 6 in my heart)
Remember Kodo and give your fuzzies a hug
[Posted in FML issue 2326]