I took Angel back to the vet today and gave my vet information from the
Internet which included normal body temperature, blood test results etc.  I
asked him to do blood tests as well as take some of the fluid from the
tummy.  He did test the fluid and there's blood in it.  He asked me whether
she had access to rat poison... I don't keep anything poisenous in the
house and wouldn't kill any other animals with poison.  And my kids have
their own room in the house.
Then my vet phoned me earlier with the results from the blood test- it
suggests it's the liver or muscle injury, my vet asked me if she was
"squashed" in the door or anything but their room is safe so he said it is
probably the liver then.  He sent the fluid off to be tested and wants to
wait for the results before doing anything, if Angel got worse he'd do
surgery but she looks okay now.  When we got back from the vets, I gave her
some Whiskas cat milk and she drank a good amount and she ate as well and
then went into her crackle sack to play a little.  So the vet thinks that
if the liver damage was bad then Angel wouldn't be feeling so good or
behaving like she was feeling good.
Does anybody have any more ideas what it could be?  I'm just so scared that
it's something bad, Angel is my special little girl and there's such a
strong bond between us, she's the daughter of my first rescue Jilly so I've
had her (and her brother Jack) since she was (they were) born June 1995.
Ulrike and kids
BTW, I'm in Wales/ UK in an area where it would be more advisable to keep a
pig, sheep or cow when it comes to wanting veterinary treatment...
[Posted in FML issue 2334]