I received a few e-mails suggesting that I start Tess on Timmy's Tonic
immediately...I want to know first of all...is it real safe??
I would like to hear from people who use or used Timmy's Tonic with their
ferret....what were the benfits?  I am especially interested in stories
dealing with Adenocarcinoma....Tess had her cancerous Left adrenal
removed... Will this tonic prevent the cancer from spreading or growing
larger if it has already spread?
What about Red Clover or Pine Bark extract??  How do they help ferrets with
All this is so new to me....Thank you for all your help!!
I'm sure my vet isn't up to date on all this holistic medicine so I am
looking for advice from all of you!!
Tyler, Tess and "Fur Angels" Teesha and Taylor
[Posted in FML issue 2333]