FLO Agents Baxter & Taz reporting from North Vancouver.  We snuck onto our
hooman's computer and read this question, and for the sake of your FLO
operatives, we'll let you in on some classified information.  You see, the
problem isn't *us*, it's the *treat*.  Sometimes our hooman tries to offer
us treats, but as FLO agents of the highest calibre it's important that we
have only the best.  We will accept different ferret food as the occasional
treat, but PLEASE, we *know* there are raisins in the house!  Why take one
when we can have the other?  Hooman also tries to use it as bait to get us
away from strategic FLO locations, and we are too well-trained to fall for
that stunt.  Treats have to be offered with proper deference, at the right
time, and must be the right kind, or we must refuse.  FLO rules!
Unfortunately, Agent Jasper hasn't learned to be discerning yet, and he
will still take pretty much anything, but we're working on that.
Agents Baxter and Taz
[Posted in FML issue 2331]