Hi everyone,
I wanted to share something with you all in hope of some help with our
situation.  On Monday the Angel Ferret Shelter director and I went to pick
up a ferret from a man that owns a grooming shop here in Las Vegas.  The
ferret had been given to him by another man that owns a pet store here in
town because the original owner of the ferret returned it saying it was a
biter.  The groomer said the ferret was vicious and couldn't keep it anymore
in fear of what the ferret might do to him.  Because I am such a ferret
lover and work with ferrets at work and at the shelter, I didn't care how
vicious it was so I put my hand in her cage to say hello.  She smelled my
hand and at first seemed to think I was OK.  About 30 seconds later she bit
me harder than any ferret had ever bitten me before.  I was in shock.  How
could this itsy bitsy little female ferret be so mean.  We took her to the
shelter, first letting her explore her new cage and then we let her out to
run around.  When ever we would get near her she would scream and run away.
She did not want to be touched and would scream and "thrash" her head at
anyone who came near her.  We figure she was abused by her original owner
and we hope in time she will learn we will do her no harm.
Over the last couple days she had begun to warm up to us and let us pet her
and pick her up.  We named her Pumpkin and she has even started taking
banana chips right out of our hand.  But last night (Thursday night)
something happend to her that I had never seen before.  We are boarding a
ferret named Norman at the shelter and Donna, the shelter director, told
me to watch what Norman did when she squeaked this particular toy.  She
squeaked it and he began to pace rapidly back and forth in the cage like a
caged tiger waiting for its dinner.  As I watched him I heard my husband
scream and when I went to turn to see what was wrong, Pumpkin bit me on the
arm harder than I can even begin to explain.  She bit me again on the leg
and tried jumping at me to bit me again until Donna finally saw what was
going on and stop squeaking the toy.  Pumpkin bit me through my T-shirt and
still managed to draw blood.  I do not look like I was bitten by a ferret.
I look like I was bitten by a big wild cat.  As soon as Donna stopped with
the noise, Pumpkin stopped trying to attack.  I have never been "afraid" of
a ferret before.  But this was strange.  Has anyone else ever experianced
anything like this?  I would love to hear from you if you have!!!
Samantha Rosier
Club Ferret Las Vegas
[Posted in FML issue 2331]