Hi y'all
Sorry I am so behind in my reading the fml.  Just wanted to make a point -
and I'd be grateful if Bob C or someone else could confirm or otherwise -
about one of the ingredients in companions choice food that Sheila put down
in her post a while ago.
I have a pal in Australia who said that she was told by her vet that too
much Omega 3 was bad for ferrets and caused pansteatitis (sp?).  Aparently
her ferret was real sick and when she took him to get checked out, the vet
reckoned it was excessive Omega 3 consumtion.  They narrowed it down to
some new kind of food she was giving him for a while called ferrets choice.
She toook him off it strait away and he was ok but she was real worried for
a while.
Kinda scarey to think maybe food manufacturers dont know what they should
put into food for ferrets and maybe reckon if its good for dogs or cats,
its good for ferets.
Would be real interested to know you guys in the know have an opinion on
My heart goes out to all who lost their babies recently and hope all those
sick ones get well real quick.
Sammy (cruisin' for craisins)
Snugguls (can i cuddle you mommy?)
[Posted in FML issue 2329]