Hi Chris,
>First of all, what types of innoculations are ferrets supposed to receive
>aside from a rabies vaccination?  Typically, how much would a full round of
>immunizations cost?
Your ferrets need distemper shots.  There are only 2 kinds that should be
used.  I use Fervac-D.  I vaccinate my ferrets for distemper myself, so I
can't really tell you much about cost.
>And finally, what is the best way to know if your vet is ferret
Ask a lot of questions!  There is a wonderful book by Deborah Jeans, called
"A Practical Guide to Ferret Care".  I can send you the ISBN number if you
want it.  It is the single best ferret book I've ever seen!  I'd strongly
recommend getting and reading it.  Then ask your vet some questions about
what you've read and see how he/she answers.  If the vet says the same thing
that's in the book, I'd say he/she is at least somewhat knowledgeable.  Ask
how many ferrets he sees and how long he has seen ferrets.  Ask about what
surgeries he's done on ferrets......etc.
>Second, what kind of cage would you recommend for two ferrets who are
>living quite comfortable in a 1' x 3' x 1' rabbit cage?...  I really can't
>afford over $300.  It also needs to be something which I can put in my
>bedroom or someplace else out of sight if the landlord happens by.
There is a guy in Iowa that sells GREAT cages very reasonably.  He has
several sizes and designs.  I'm getting a 24 X 36 X 48 inch 3 level cage
with built in litter pan for $125 including shipping!  I only have 2
ferrets, but I don't think they will have enough room in my biggest cage (2
level 24 X 30 X 30).  My second ferret is new (1 week today), and my first
is turning out to be rather territorial about her cage.  The cages are very
nice and designed for ferrets by someone who knows ferrets.  Let me know if
you want his address and phone number.
Good luck with everything!
[Posted in FML issue 2328]