Well, we all are.  The eight fuzzies and I love our whale of a goldfish,
Shady.  I know this ain't a goldfish mailing list, but this "live goldfish
as ferret toys" issue is plaguing me.  About six years ago, in a mall
parking lot, my ex returned our child from a weekend visit and surprise
(unpleasant), handed me a plastic bag with a tiny State Fair prize swimming
inside.  I cussed all the way home, but three aquarium upgrades later, Shady
is now a great big fist-sized goldfish who loves to touch my husband's
fingers.  I know Shady ain't a tenth as bright as the least bright of my
beloved fuzzies (we won't name names), but he is also a beloved pet.  He has
provided plenty of entertainment for the fuzzies while remaining in the land
of the living, requiring us to ferret-proof the aquarium stand but still
providing a constant elusive goal and object for ferrets' fascinated gazing.
I guess they would inadvertently kill him if they were allowed to fish for
him, but once dead, his graceful, waving appeal would be gone forever and
the aquarium would be lifeless and boring.  Whereas, one of those wind-up
water toys can be killed over and over and over...
Ferretz Rule,
Lynne and eight fuzzies ("We LUV to look at the fat orange guy who lives in
the lighted water-box")
[Posted in FML issue 2328]