Hey Ya'll,
Sorry to miss the diet chat on Saturday night.  But being a Saturday night
and being single, well... I am sure I missed lots of good info and lots of
fun folks.  Will check out the web page if I can manage to get one of my 3
web browsers to work right.  Unfortunately right now they all seem to lock
up on me.
I recently found the coolest toy at a pet store and I am sure that even the
most sewing challanged of us could make one easily.  (I mean if I could,
anyone could) It is made for dogs, but the ferrets love it.  It is,
finished, about a 4.5 long braid of fleece material.  3 colors, each strip
about 3-4 inches wide.  On either end is a large simple knot.  It is very,
very soft.  You can drag it like a snake, wave it in the air or take a fert
for a ride on it.  Miss Mazel Tov loves to jump on it, and that is some
sight to see.  She can achieve hieghts approaching a foot and a half.
Steel springs I think are implanted into her legs.  Bionic Ferret.  Egads,
what a scarey thought.  ;-)
For all the recently enslaved humans out there, be sure and check out the
toy stores and baby departments for infant stuffed toys, teethers, and
rattles.  These have always been the biggest hit around here.  Oh yeah,
and whatever the cat loves the most is always the ferrets most prized
possession.  But only when the cat wants it.  Infant items come without
any dangerous parts and can easily be tossed into the washer when dirty.
As for all the discussion of foods of late, check out Dr. Pitcairn's book
on natural health care for dogs and cats.  It gives a lot of recipes for
diet supplements, and home made foods.  My dogs and cats and ferts all have
enjoyed these things.  And don't forget, feed your ferts your version of
duck soup on a regular basis.  I give mine at least once a week.  This gets
them used to the food, so that if they get ill, you can easily introduce
meds and such.  I make mine using a base of organic meat baby food and
Ensure or Deliver.  2 jars baby food to one can liquid.  I throw in all
kinds of herbs and vitamins to boost the little babies.  Yep, we need to
keep them ferts at top speed, to vex us more and more.
Now, if I could only teach them to run the washer and dryer.  I have a huge
pile of dirty linens, due to power usage warnings during the day and a
transformer blow last night.  Do you know how scarey it is to lay in a
completely dark and silent house for several hours, the silence punctuated
by strange ferrety sounds?  Knowing you can't simply flip a switch and run
into the other room?  And yes, the house made it through the blackout.  My
feet are another matter though.  hehe.
And I am plotting out a murder with a ferret involved.  Fictional of course.
We are having votes on exactly which ferret of mine will play the lead
character (Miss Stella is sending the thugs out, just in case) but once
that is settled, it should just about write itself.  And no, I won't tell
you who the characters are a composite of.  LOL!
I am also going to start working on some web sites and getting the Mob list
up and running again.  Now that I have my own personal techno weenie.
Hugs and ferrety kisses,
Maggie Mae, the Mad Celt in Mid Mo
"With serving still, This have I won: For my good will, To be undone"
 Sir Thomas Wyatt
[Posted in FML issue 2354]