It has been a long day.  11 hours at work, then litter boxes to clean and
wash, kids to care for, food bowl, water bottles, ferret laundry, the
ferret room floor gets swept and mopped, then there are the meds to give,
and play time with the shelter kids, my kids, and of course the special
need kids.
If I am lucky, I'll get to bed by 1 AM, and get back up around 5:30 to
start all over again.
So you are asking what is the point of the post?  Shelter mom and dads get
stressed out, so give them a call stop by, offer to help, change litter
boxes, do the nails, and play time, give meds.  Or run the vacuum cleaner,
do the dishes that have been sitting there, dust.  Help pull things
together.  Mop the floor.
One of the best things anyone can donate to an over worked shelter
operator is time, a little help goes a long way.  Think about it.
Maybe you can't afford to donate money, but a couple of hours is worth more
to a tired shelter mom than you would ever guess.  Besides, look at all the
fuzzies you get to play with!
Just a thought for all.
A Tired Shelter Mom
[Posted in FML issue 2352]