--Monster, our blaze male who was given no chance of living by our vet has
gone back up to over two pounds from a low of one and one quarter.  He's
still weak, but he ate his Science Diet last night.  Demon our five year old
male Albino is still sliding.  He's showing signs of mouth and digestive
track ulcerations and has to be force fed.  He's getting .5cc of Pepto daily
to releive his discomfort.
Meme our two year old sable female is weak and eating on her own
sporadically.  Her diet is supplemented with ensure as she will vomit
duck soup.
Chewbakka, Bebe, and Terrorist seem to be holding their own with soft but
formed poops.  All prayers and ideas on helping these children are greatly
Mikki & Dee                       -l-
"Learning To Fly"on Autopilot  -o-(_)-o-  Team AMIGA
And The NOT so Magnificent Seven
[Posted in FML issue 2350]