>I think most of you who do this goldfish thing or feed your ferrets live
>food or raw meat do it for YOUR own pleasure.  Must get some sick gratifying
>feeling by watching your ferret tear open a live animal.  For those of you
>who like oing this.....get a snake or pirana.
>Kym and the Zoo Crew
OK.....you,like everyone else, are entitled to your opinions.............
but don't you think this is a bit strong?I don't actually recall anyone
saying they fed their ferrets on live food before the goldfish incident
(when the fish weren't eaten anyway) but to say we feed raw meat just for
our own pleasure is just plain daft.
I feed my ferrets on raw meat because it is their natural diet and is the
best food for them (although I do feed some kibble too for convenience eg.
to keep flies away in hot weather,as mine are outdoor ferrets).I
occasionally go rabbiting with them too because rabbits over here are an
endemic pest which need to be controlled (landowners have a legal obligation
to control the numbers of rabbits on their property.Yes I enjoy it because
it's time spent out in the fresh air with my animals working together in the
most natural way possible.I dispatch the rabbits as quickly and humanely as
possible and then,once prepared,they are fed to my ferrets and dogs or
frozen or made into rabbit pie for us to eat.
Don't kid yourself that kibble is any more "humane" than feeding raw
meat.......it's purely a convenient form of packaging dead animals for the
squeamish.(Personally,were I to be reincarnated,I'd rather live free as a
wild rabbit and take my chances than live cooped up as a battery chicken.)
If you have a problem with this point of view,may I respectfully suggest
that you either get a herbivorous pet or just stop flaming people.
(one of the UK rabbiting, outdoor ferret folk!)
[Posted in FML issue 2327]