Hi all FMLers and a special welcome to the newbies!!
This is Lynn (human) and Ming Jou (sable sprite- almost 2yrs old).
We have been FML junkies for just over a year now :)  Thanks to our
moderator, aka BIG, and all of those who post to the list with fert info
of all sorts, we have learned so much.  In turn, we have won over many a
friend and relative to the joys of ferrethood!
BTW, I, too, would love to see more posts about BFFs.
So, all you newbies, let's hear from you - introduce yourselves and your
furrkids!  If you haven't already done so, PLEASE download the FAQ !!!
((www.ferretcentral.org/faq/index.html) This is a "must have" for all who
are owned by ferts.  You may also want to check out www.modernferret.com
Ferret related questions can be answered at the Alberta Ferret Society's
(Hi Everyone!) HotLine @ 447-3336.
Here is more info on Ming Jou:
favorite fruit at my house: mango
favorite fruit at my mom's : banana
favorite veggie at my house: carrot
favorite veggie at my mom's: cucmber
favorite treat at my house: laxatone
favorite treat at my mom's: butter
favorite activity at my house: going for a walk outside and playing in the
favorite activity at mom's: stealing and sleeping with the stainless steel
sink plug
favorite new activity: HELP! She's a  FLO recruit!!
favorite meal anywhere: domestic or wild meat, except beef (no olfactory
imprint) and Sheppard & Greene ferret kibble.
BTW, since February, her coat has been constantly changing.  She had always
been a beautiful dark sable.  First she started roaning, then her tail
became completely salt and pepper, then she developed a dark stripe from her
head to mid back, then she had a one inch white ring on her tail followed by
what I thought was more roaning but then it stopped and she became all cream
except for her paws(not shoulders and hips)which were dark and tip of tail
which was silver.  She stayed this way for about a month and this week she
looks like a silver.  Crazy fert!
Except for a bout of pneumonia in April, Ming Jou has been the picture of
health.  She travels well and goes almost everywhere with me.  She'll sleep
in the hood of a jacket or inside a t-shirt.  Ming Jou is very friendly with
humans of all ages and did her fert duty visiting and revitalizing the
residents at my grandfather's nursing home until he passed over in december.
I have had Ming Jou since she was a kit.  With persistence she was very easy
to train though it took her 8 months to reach a hit rate of 100% in the
Looking forward to Bhor's visit this summer,
                                                Use it here:  ENGLISH
        (@)~~(@)                                              FRANCAIS
          0  0 \     /***\                                    DEUTSCH
          =v=   \~~~/     \                                   SVENSKA
          ming-jou & Lynn  \~`````~~                          ESPANOL
[Posted in FML issue 2348]