I am the hooman writing this.  I was told if I didn't I would be poofed
royally.  Since it is hot outside, I prefer to oblige.
The operative name is Waitapu, translated means "sacred waters"?.  .  .
I had informed her owner she was a wholy terror.  When asked why, what's up?
Here is the reply the operative sent:
First of all she is dooking in Welsh, and my kids haven't figured out which
Next, she is saying and bragging her frequent flyer miles will get her into
Merlin's Ferret flying school.
Of course, being the youngest in the house, she uses that as an excuse for
anything and everything.
Then she decided she wants to join FLO.  When I hesitated to respond, she
threatened to poof me.
Oh, she is also, claiming diplomatic immunity from everything due to being a
in a foreign country.
She states since she is on the other side of the world and time zone, she
wants the house temperature maintained at 65 degrees!  Stating she has been
deprived of winter by being transported across the waters.
She threatens to unite the others that came with her and are "being
scattered" around the states, unless she is transferred to an area closer to
the ocean.  I replied, "But the Mississippi River is big and long and flows
into the ocean." To that all I got was a poof.
Being that she has diplomatic impunity oops I meant immunity, I have obliged
and published her requests.
[Posted in FML issue 2327]