Remember Bob you started it.
1.Bobby Trap-a ferret stuck in a blouse.
2.Booby Hatch-the way into the blouse.
3.Delinquent-De young ferret stealing de socks.
4.Defer-what's on de ferret.
5.Defeat-the four little things on the end of de legs.
6.Decolor-the shade of the fur on de ferret.
7.Denude-de ferret after a trip to the barber.
8.Demagog-dem disbelieving ferrets when you tell them you're out of raisins,
all of dem.
9.Deliberator-de ferret that opens the door for de rest.
10.De Gaulle-what the ferret has that stole de chip out of your mouth.
De End-the tail end of a ferret and the finish of this.Sorry for de puns.
Blame it on de Bob.
Sandy(Help me)
Valentine(it's your own default.)
Jasmine(I was just standing in de raisin line.)
Taz(I can't defend that)
[Posted in FML issue 2346]