While reading the FML this morning, Brae was in the kitchen on the table.
He's not supposed to be there, but no luck yet in keeping him off.  I've
even tried keeping all the chairs several feet away from the table, but he
still manages to get on it... If you've figured out how to train ferrets to
stay off the kitchen table (or the couch, or ...), would you share them on
the FML?
Now about the near escape: Brae just nearly escaped out a screen window!  He
must have found a small opening, and proceeded to dig and push at it.  By
the time I got to him (that window isn't usually open, and hasn't been for
more than a few minutes), he was able to get his head through, and I'm sure
would have eventually pushed through and escaped.  I'm really nervous now.
I leave windows up all the time in the summer to help keep it cool in here,
and Brae's never bothered the screens before.  Now that he's discovered he
can get through them, I'm sure no screen is safe!  Do I now have to keep all
the windows closed???  Has anyone experienced this problem?
[Posted in FML issue 2346]