What IS the status of Florida Bill HB3115??
The 1998 Florida Legislative Session closed yesterday at 4:00 P.  I spoke
first with Carrie at the Governors Executive Office on Legislative Affairs
in regard to our request for a special signing session with Governor Chiles.
Carrie stated that, "We have your request and have placed it into a SPECIAL
CONSIDERATION FOLDER," she also went on to add, "that [Mina's Story] was a
very touching story.  We passed it around the office," " We're waiting for
the Bill to arrive then we'll put them together for the Governor to review."
Carrie closed with, " Jennifer will contact you in the next two weeks with
the Governors decision." I picked up the phone and called Rep. Howard
Futch's office (Bill sponsor) and spoke with Corky one of Howards assistants
and she said that, "The fact that they placed it in a special consideration
folder was EXCELLENT."  When asked where our bill was, since it had not yet
reached the Governor's Legislative Affairs Office Corky said, "Session has
ended and the Senate President [Toni Jennings] had to sign all of the bill's
before she went home.  She can't leave until it's done." "Did you know that
I have attended special bill signing's with the Governor here in Brevard?"
Corky pushed the magic button.  The wheels were greased once more.  I sat
down and wrote another fax request but, this time in the form of a formal
invitation to a HB3115 celebration party at which time Gov.  Chiles could go
through the motions (the bill will already have been signed) of signing the
bill.  Since the party would be in a central location (Brevard) it would be
accessible to FL Ferret Families from coast to coast.  (More on party
arrangements in a future FML post.) I'm having the Governors invitation
proofread before I send it out Mon.  Even if Governor Chiles can't make it
here to Brevard we still plan to celebrate and perhaps we could arrange
something that would be closer to him complete with Mina Baxter, a couple of
very photogenic Fuzzies and the Press I'm sure will be in attendance.  If
you have any questions e-mail me.  I will try to keep everyone current as I
receive the facts.
                                   Marie E Wallace
[Posted in FML issue 2296]