>From:    MWall84314 <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Hi ! My name is Marie
Sounds like you are living a life.  Good job on what you've done especially
on the bill!  But not just the bill - the other accomplishments are
important too.  And yes we see accomplishments in your brief bio!
We don't know many ferret folks that live in mansions.  Know several that
live in trailers.
Write to us privately about your son if you like - that is something we know
personally about but its not FML material.
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: My Sammy's Color
The true color of all "silvers" is black hence the AFA name for the color
"black".  The "shades" of silvers are based on the amount of white
>However, as Sam grew and got older, her gray fur has turned black, but she's
>kept her white undercoat, bib, feet, and (mostly) white face w/ black button
This is the true showing of a black mitt.  The white mixed in is called
roaning.  We prefer the black mitts with out much roaning.
Black sable is the AFA color that we personally have problems with.  It is
an incompleteness in the conventions.  Black sables are not black - but near
black brown (so can be "regular" sables).  The AFA definition is based more
on the undercoat.  Missing is the equivalent for chocolates and champagnes.
The Swedes of Russian descent match this white to ashen undercoat for all
colors.  But regardless Sam is not a black sable.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2309]