I suppose this is a hopeless plea, but nevertheless I will make it:
Would people please speak once on a subject and then let it go?
If several people end up saying the same thing, it's usually because we all
read and respond to the FML at different times, so that's not really a
problem in my eyes.  However, people who continue to address a topic over
and over in issue after issue begin to look more than slightly ridiculous
after a while, not to mention stubborn and argumentative.  I don't need to
read an opinion twice to understand it, and repetition does not make it
more persuasive.
I can see that people would want to clarify what they said when they are
misunderstood.  A simple "When I said __________ I did not mean _________
I meant __________" should suffice for anyone who is not hyper-sensitive.
Being misunderstood is an inevitable part of communication.  So is being
disagreed with.  A person could be 100% right, accurate and logical, and
there would still be people who disagreed.
I think an inability to accept a difference of opinion or criticism or
correction is a sign of insecurity, immaturity and egocentricity.  It is
also boring.  It also drags the content of the FML to the playground level.
Please learn to speak your mind and then let a subject go.  If what you
think has merit, people will understand that the first time they read it.
   Please note my new e-mail address: [log in to unmask]
   1% of my monthly internet bill supports ferret shelters.
   Ask me how you can save on internet, long distance,
   and calling card bills while supporting needy shelters!
[Moderator's note: Of course, when things get too bad, then it's my turn to
step in and call an end to it.  People's tolerence levels vary greatly and
what's repetitive for some might not seem so for others.  But when even I
think things are bad, I win.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2308]