>BTW, anyone have any solid, ferret-proofable (is that a word??) systems for
>keeping your fuzzits out of cabinets?  I've tried velcro, duct tape, child
>proof locks, but they still smart & strong enough to find their ways in.
>I'm constantly amazed at these little guys (or girls, in my case).
The solution that I found is adding latches to each cabinet door - the metal
ones with the tongue that goes between the bits on the half of the latch
that you attach to the cabinet.  They hold the door firmly closed, even
against Nusa the Genius Ferret, who can open any cabinet door in seconds.
They're also great because they're inside the cabinet - no more unsightly
packing tape holding the door closed as a last, desparate measure!
I got mine at the local hardware store; I don't remember what I paid, but it
was really cheap - significantly under a dollar per latch.  They took under
five minutes each to install.  You will have to screw them into the door and
cabinet, but it's very easy to do.
I still haven't found a good solution for the corner cabinet, which is one
of the type that turns 360 degrees.  Latches won't work, since they would
restrict the ability to turn the cabinet completely around.  In the
meantime, I'm using one of those velcro setups sold for securing the
refridgerator door from children.  Not attractive, but it works.
--Stevi (what, you mean socks come in pairs?)
  Nusa (just you wait until i develop opposable thumbs!)
  Fresno (mmm, socks)
[Posted in FML issue 2308]