Hi everyone, It's been a little while since I updated you on Poncho.  Poncho
was the wonderful little boy who came to me via Bob Church a few months ago.
If you remember, he was an isolated skinny little guy who hadn't had much if
any positive interaction in his life before Bob rescued him.  He was the
skinniest ferret I had ever seen.  I was afraid I would break him if I even
picked him up!  But he was healthy and very active.  Now he is a beautiful
hefty 31/2 lbs.  He loves treats and he loves to pick on my little Munchkin.
He has a best friend too.  He and Raz (aka wild thing) are bosom buddies!
They play, yes Poncho plays now, for hours at a time.  He happily choartles
as he runs around my ferret room.  This morning he crawled into a small box
and took a few toys with him and just played by himself for about 1-2
minutes before Raz discovered him and the romping began!  I truely believe
he is a very happy ferret now and I am thrilled that he is part of our
little furry family.  Thanks Bob for bringing him into my life and stop by
and see him one of these days, you'll be amazed at how great he looks!
Julie (mom) and Poncho (I got the raisin container opened all by myself!)
Munchkin (Mom, Poncho is dragging me around the room again!)
Mickey (Hey, I thought I was the Alpha male) and
Raz (gotta have fun, gotta have fun...)
[Posted in FML issue 2308]