I wanted to get some opinions on some symptoms my ferret.  Loki, has.  Loki
just turned three in March and about two weeks ago I noticed that his tail
had lost some fur.  I t wasn't very much but it was enough o be noticed.
About one week ago I noticed that the fur between his shoulder blades is
starting to thin out.  Just in the past few days i have noticed that when he
gets out to play he is his normal crazy self, but seems to get sleepy in
about half the amount of time as it used to take.  Also I noticed that my
other ferret, Powder, has a few scabs on his neck were Loki has been biting
him.  They usually play bite each other but never to the point were it would
break the skin.  Just last night I noticed him backing up into the corner to
go pee, well I jumped up and grabbed him because he wasn't in this litter
box and I noticed he hadn't even went yet.  Usually by the time I see him
back up and get to him he has already started to go and tends not to stop in
the middle (which is understandable that is painful).
My question is does everyone think this is adrenal.  I have never had the
experience of and adrenal ferret as Loki was my first, three years ago.  I
thought so, and I made a vet appointment for Sat.  The fur loss seems odd
because he has never been a big shedder.  His color will change, but he has
never lost enough fur for me to see his skin.
If this is adrenal what should I expect?  What should the vet do to ensure
that it either is or isn't?  I have some material to read on the subject,
but I thought some people's first hand experience would be helpful.
Thanks, lets hope for the best
Travis, Loki & Powder
[Posted in FML issue 2307]