My baby ferret, Leonard, just broke his front right leg.  My questions are
addressed to those out there who might have experience w/this sort of thing:
How long should I confine him in his cage?  He's recovering from surgery
just GREAT and now is beginning to get bored (he had surgery Wed/it's now
Fri).  I'm basically wondering how much exercise is good for his just mended
leg (he has a pin in it for now).
Should I/can I let him play w/the other ferrets (they're all adults) and if
so, how soon after the surgery?
He's kind of got me on pins and needles b/c I have absolutely no clue how he
broke his leg.  I think the other adults rough-housed w/him too much and his
baby bones couldn't take it.  That's why I'm wondering how soon it would be
safe to let him play w/the adults.
Is it a good idea to keep him separate in his own cage, for nights and
unsupervised times, 'til he gets to the "adult" age?
I REALLY don't want to take the chance of him re-breaking his leg, or not
healing properly, so thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to give
me some guidelines...
(and Leonard--where's everyone?!--Zooey, Linus & Martin)
[Posted in FML issue 2295]