The Moondancer's back, you LUCKY, LUCKY HUMANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ronnie DiComo writes:
>At this point, I can trust ferrets Ralph, Epcot and Clover with the cats
>and dog, but that's it.  I think it depends on the individual ferrets and
>the individual cats.
Hey, we of the Alive Five share custody of The Boss with two cats, Gallagher
and Rumpelteazer, who've been with her ten years.  They absolutely LOATHE
and DETEST each and everyone of us, ESPECIALLY yours truly, because I'll
CHASE them and won't stop until TB grabs me and puts me in Time-Out in the
cat carrier.  Yes, yes, yes, I know....I can teleport out anytime I want to,
but there are RULES we psychic animals have to abide by and that even I, a
TeleFerret, can't weasel my way around....and one of them is allowing
yourself to be punished when you know you deserve it without using
paranormal powers to evade the issue.  (Now, if I can somehow get out of the
carrier WITHOUT using my powers, that's different...and, believe me, I've
TRIED.)  But, anyway, my point is that both Gallagher and 'Teazer HATE us,
but the most they'll do when any of us approaches them is hiss and
swat...and finally get up and walk away if we're persistent.  But I'm the
only one foolhardy enough to chase them - mainly because I can always
teleport to safety if either of them turns on me.  But, yes, it depends on
the individual animals involved.  Whazzat (slurred form of "What's that?"),
our baby sister, doesn't believe she's not the biggest Rugrat of us all and
last night when Gallagher was eating, she chomped down on his tail.
Fortunately all he did was twitch it away, but then Gallagher's pretty
single-minded when it comes to food.  (He's only 21 lbs.  after all.)
It's great to be back on the FML!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Merry, Marvelous, Majestic, Modest Slinky The Moondancer
Dogs and cats, no doubt, are cool,
But s/he who loves ferts is no one's fool
So, face it, humans - FERRETS RULE!
The Alive Five
Slinky The Moondancer
Spaghetti The JoyBouncer
Simba the Lionheart (also known as the Silver Fox)
Nala the Snow Goose
Whazzat the Bear Cub (also known as THE BRAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
[Posted in FML issue 2307]