>After speaking to Dr. Bruce Williams (who has to be one of the most patient
>people on this planet!), I learned that Aleutian is a parvovirus.  I believe
>the disease started in the mink ranches.  There is no cure.  The vaccine
>companies are not even doing any research on a ferret vaccine because they
>do not believe there is a "market" for it.
Does anyone have addresses for the vaccine companies?  I'm sure if enough
of us wrote and requested them to research a vaccine for Aleutian disease,
they'd soon realize that there definitely -was- a market.
Mom of Zorro, Claudia, and Loki
"Science is a way of talking about the universe in words that bind it to
a common reality. Magic is a method of talking to the universe in words
that it cannot ignore."
                --The Stranger
                in Neil Gaiman's _The Books of Magic_
[Posted in FML issue 2306]