Good Day to all;
Well as i write to ya,,I would like to remind all of a revelation i had this
morning.I was doing my usual;reading the FML,drinking the morning brew and
watching my furrballs scamper about and i was jealouse wishing i could wake
up and be that energectic =))I know we all have a story to tellabout our lil
guys some happy,some funny and yes some even brings tears to my eyes =(( But
on a sinple note i just wanted to add that i see the very simple pleasures
of fert- hood wanted to share w/all....
1) Warm fuzzy hugs and kisses.
2) Paws running up and down in play
3) The melody of collar bells.
4) To see them curled up in blissful sleep.
5) Watching them get into troubleas only ferts can do,allowing me to be the
   hero of the moment.
6) Hugging my ankles as to say "pick me up mommie".
7) The joyful dooks,weasel war dances,frolicks,and the unconditional love
   that they give me.
I just wanted to say that i think ferrets are the only pet for me and i am
truley in love with my guys.And i forward to many long years with them by my
side....So as you go about youre way just remember that all GODS creatures
great and small.Are worth the love and devotion that we can give.Make sure
you hug youre ferret(s) today...>^..^<
[Posted in FML issue 2306]