In response to the concern about the ferret that harrasses the other
animals.  I have one ferret OSCAR, a silver yorkie, long haired dachsahund
and a schnauzer.  Each one of these dogs if they wanted could take on Oscar
and spit him out but they do not.  They allow him to ride on their backs
until they cry!  Chase them around the house, in the yard, under the beds,
he rules this house.  I too feel sorry for the dogs when I on occasion hear
them yelp.  They are bigger, larger teethe and could turn around on him at
anytime.  Why they don't I guess I will never understand!  My dogs have
lived in my home for five and six years.  OSCAR, seven months!  ( I guess
they know how much mom really loves Oscar) They even share the bed some
nights with the dogs and me.  Oscar likes to sleep close.  Sometimes I wake
up and the dogs are on top of me, making sure I know they are still there.
On another note, I read so many post about sick babies and understand this
is the place to come when you need a prayer or advice.  Do any FML readers
have ferrets that die of old age?  Is there anyone out there that has a kid
up in age and in good health?  I would like to hear back.  I have only had
one ferret and I know no one that has ever had one.
Thanks for listening.  I love being a ferrets mom.
Carol and Oscar ferret
[Posted in FML issue 2306]