Chere McCoy  Shelter Caregiver at the Ferret Friends of Indian River County
Ferret Shelter.
Shelter Capacity 12
Current Residents 23
YES we are overpopulated.
We have eight very healthy kids (albeit some are older kids) that need GOOD
homes.  We also have many children that are either blind, blind and deaf,
deaf, severly behaviorally challenged (due to being abused - i.e. thrown
agains wall, bones broken etc).  We have 2 kids over 10 years of age, we
have 8 kids that either have adreanal cancer or insolumina.  We have two
just in for observation due to incoming report from Vet.
So who out there is qualified, willing and able to come and adopt our six
healthy kids (one is blind lives with her ferret sister and both are just
great must go togather).  Please E-Mail us.  We will describe the other kids
Also we are in Florida and the Hurricane Season starts 1 June.  We need to
move out the healthy kids and foster some of the others.
We do the best we can with what we have here at the FFIRC Shelter.
Thank You
Chere McCoy
Ferret Friends of Indian River County Ferret Shelter  Caregiver/Shelter Mom
[Posted in FML issue 2305]