Hi, Melissa .. congratulations on getting into the school, and my
condolences on your URI.  In answer to your question on Brewer's Yeast,
here is what my class notes on nutrition say:
" Nutritional yeast (Brewer's Yeast) can be mixed with food or juice or
water.  It is an excellent source of protein, B vitamins, amino acids and
at least 14 different minerals.  It is especially high in chromium which
makes it effective in improving blood sugar metabolism and in reducing
serum cholestorol levels.  *IT IS ONE OF THE BEST IMMUNE-ENHANCING
Also, brewer's yeast helps in wound healing due to increased production of
collagen, and it has antioxidant properties which also enhance healing."
Hope this helps!
- Ela
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[Posted in FML issue 2304]