Beer Belly Ferret or Never assume that you can be faster than a ferret....
I should have know it would be one of those days, the tip off came when I
found a large note directing me to see a co-worker on a chair in the middle
of an hallway when I got to work yesterday morning.
In fact it has just been one of those weeks, heck my husband thought Tuesday
was Wednesday.  And I wished Wednesday were Friday.
So coming home yesterday I was happy with the thought that the week was
almost done, I put the garbage out, do some plant watering, etc.  Nice
afternoon, I'm enjoying the end of the week in sight.  I go inside thinking
boy a beer should would be tasty, remembering the cold bottle of Porter in
the fridge.  I pour it into a glass and take it downstairs with me.  Time
to let Boris and Chester out of their area for a romp in the rest of the
family room.  I set the beer on the coffee table and in the back of my mind
I'm thinking you know you shouldn't do that if you are letting the 'Minions
of Chaos' out, but my brain goes you can get back to it and have it in your
hand before they find it.  So there it sits on the coffee table.  I close
the gate to the hall, open the gate to their area, greet them with hugs and
kisses, off they dash.  Now thinking they will spend a moment working their
way over to the coffee table I decide to scoop the litter boxes.
Well there I am bent over a litter box with a scoop full of poop when I hear
the unmistakable 'clink' of a glass falling over.  Yep, they made a bee line
right for the beer, guess they could smell the malt sugars in it.  So here I
am, Porter all over the coffee table, spilling onto the beige carpet and two
guys chuckling and dancing.  I pick one up in each hand, Boris is dry, but
Chester's belly and feet are dipping with Porter.  I swear for one spilt
second I had this image flash in my mind of just licking the beer off
Chester's belly, sort of like a Ferret Beer Popsicle!
Ok so I'm a little demented and that beer sure had looked tasty.
With a great deal of help from both the beer was cleaned and I settle for a
cream stout.
The moral of this story is: Drink your beer first and never assume that you
can be faster than a ferret!
Suzy and the 'Minions of Chaos'  Boris and Chester
Mom is it two we getting two sisters?
[Posted in FML issue 2302]