Hi everyone...I first want to mention, "It's so good to be back!" My
computer died on me and I missed reading my FML everyday!  I think
everythings good now (crossing little ferret paws).  Your definately a
ferret lover when you have to spend money on getting your computer working
again and your thinking to yourself, "I could have bought some really cool
things for my fuzzies with the amount of money I spent on this thing!"
Anyway..I wanted to share this thing my ferrets have been doing lately.  I
happen to look over at them in their cage and my youngest ferret Tori was
drinking from the water bottle but she was under a blanket at the same time!
It was so funny I just had to laugh at her.  She was actually drinking
through her blanket.  I thought it was just how she was since she's so wacky
at times but the other day Zoe (Tori's big sister) was doing it too!  They
look so funny when they do it...well actually you can't really see them, you
just see this funny shaped blanket drinking from the water bottle!  I
thought this was sort of unique but I'm sure other ferrets do it as well so
if anybody here has a ferret that does this too I'd love to hear from you.
Rebecca...Mommy of two blanket drinkers!
Zoe..."Why does mommy keep laughing..I'm just thirsty is all!"
Tori..."Drinkin' from a blanky is fun!"
[Posted in FML issue 2294]