I just got the latest on Ivory.  The little girl told me they are taking her
to the vet tomorrow.  Other than that not much is new.  I'm really having a
hard time with this one.  For those of you I've written today this will
sound redundant so you may want to skip this part.
I have figured a couple of possible scenarios here.  First of all, does mom
really care what happens to Ivory?  I fowarded all of your letters to the
little girl and suggested that she show them to mom.  She said mom works and
may not be able to call anyone today.  Unfortunately, mom doesn't use the
computer.  And I can't believe that there isn't a vet in the entire city of
Albequerqe who wouldn't see a dying animal regardless of species.
Second, it could be that after taking Ivory to the vet last week mom opted
out on any further treatment.  Why did the vet not have any idea what was
wrong with Ivory?  If she was very sick why did he send her home?  This
doesn't make sense.
The third thing is that I am talking to an elementary school student.  Is it
possible that I may not be getting an accurate story?  Ivory hasn't eaten in
2 wks. and has been very sick for 1.  Could she have lived this long with a
blockage?  And if not that, what could be wrong with Ivory?
Speculation is running wild folks.  This has been pulling on my heart
strings for 2 days now and have done the best I can to help.  So have many
of you and you'll never know how much I appreciate this.  You've all been
very kind and thoughtful.
I'm beginning to wonder if I should continue to pursue this.When I spoke to
the little girl tonight she seemed to get a little miffed at me for asking
her so many questions.  I explained to her that alot of people were
concerned about Ivory and that these people truly love ferrets and can't
bear to think of them in distress.  After that I didn't get a whole lot out
of her.
I know what you're all thinking - this is a child what can I expect?  But as
I've said I am simply heartbroken over this.
I will continue to pray for Ivory and keep up with her progress as best I
can but I'd really like to know what all of you think about this situation.
My thanks again to all of you who have tried to help.
[Posted in FML issue 2300]