To Jodi and the girls:
I have a 5 year old ferret that came into my shelter in October.  When I got
her she had a swollen vulva but didn't give it much thought since I have
never had a female.  (only cute little boys).  A couple of months ago I took
her to a DVM who has great knowledge in adrenal diesease.  We decided not to
do surgery because of her age.  She is just fine eats really good, has no
weight loss or hair loss.  But itches alot and her hair has turned wirey.
Everyday I expect to see her get sick or some kind of a change but so far
nothing.  Yesturday she slept a little to long and I got worried, but she
awoke this morning perky and happy.  We give her the best life in hopes
that it lasts long but are always watching.  Good luck and take it one day
at a time.  And don't worry your not alone.
Sherry, and Nippers
[Posted in FML issue 2294]