>Todd Leuthold <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>My oldest ferret, Silver ... decided he just *had* to have a drink from the
>large water dish, even though his water bottle is only a few inches away
>from where the dish is.  So... he stuck his entire face (eyes and all!)
>under the water and sucked up water until he was full!  I don't know how he
>did that...
After reading this and a couple other posts, I'm wondering if ferrets
breathe/swallow differently from humans?  I was recently at a live birds of
prey presentation where the man told a story of how he liked to freak out
people by giving his owl three baby chicks.  The first two would be gulped
down whole (how they eat their food) but the third would sort of hang
halfway down with the legs sticking out until the other chicks had been
digested enough to make room for the third.  I commented that they must
breathe and swallow differently from humans.
The only way I can see for a ferret to suck in and swallow water while
*under* water would have to be if they don't have the same connection
between airway and food path that we do.  A human would end up being very
unhappy trying to swallow under water, I would think.
[Posted in FML issue 2294]