Here's a few I just thunk up.  Protect your funny bones!
Real Ferrets Don't...
1) ...have to sleep in their cages!
2) ...have to stop at just ONE box of raisins!
3) ...have to put up with just a few drops of Ferretone!
4) ...have to take a bath!
5) ...have to use the litter box!
6) ...have to stay only in Fuzzie-Proof rooms!
7) ...have to wait for the hooman to wake up before playing with them!
8) ...*have* to give back the contents of mommy's purse!
9) ...*have* to stop terrorizing the cat!
10) ...*have* to put down that gerbil!
Hey...what can you expect from me...I just made them up as I went!
Todd and the ('re Seinfeld now?) Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 2325]