>From:    Cindy Smith <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: deaf ferret
>I know to stamp my feet to get his attention and actually this works very
>well to get the attention of both of them!
You may want to do this (stomp your feet or walk heavy) while approaching
him where he can't see you.  That way you don't startle him & nipped from
>due to the lack of hearing I cannot hold him on my shoulder and speak in
>soothing tones to him.
You can still speak in soothing tones.  Hold him close to your chest & he
can feel the vibrations of your voice.  This may sooth him.  Try doing this
& giving him treats for being a good boy at home.  With our kits (all kits
are born deaf until their ears "open up") we will softly blow in their faces
- kind of with a "shhh" strength.  It calms them right down & seems to relax
them.  Not sure quite why.  If you try this you might want to watch your
face tho.
>From:    Randy <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: 11 week old ferret
>Do ferrets teethe?
Well, ferrets have what they call milk teeth when they are just little kits.
They start to get their big teeth at about age 6 weeks.  You can see the
double teeth (milk ones coming out & canines coming in).  I have noticed
that it is at that stage that the kits start really trying to chew on you.
Not nipping, but chewing like a puppy does.  Like they are in fact teething
on you.  What to do about it?  Teach her not to nip.  The teething part will
be grown out of, but if you allow her to nip, she will always do it.
>From:    Christopher A Montouri <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Travelling, sick, and lonely ferret
>My first question is-what kind of papers do I need? <snip> In the past I
>smuggled her on the plane
Well, first & foremost you will need an Interstate Health Certificate from
your vet.  It must be current which in some states means ten days.  You
should have proof of a current distemper & rabies vaccine.  Call the
airlines to find out exactly what they require.  Sometimes they have special
carrier requirements.  Your ferret may have to travel in cargo or may be
allowed to ride with you as a carry on.  You will be paying extra no matter
which option is available.  Smuggling is serious & could result in loss of
your fuzzy or fines, etc.
>From:    KimVndLaan <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: A couple of questions......
>I put the male's cage next to hers.  I am giving them short supervised
>play- times together.  There has been no fighting, just hissing and some
>following or chasing of each other.  There has been no other interaction.
>Is this all part of the normal process?
All ferrets have a pecking order.  Those that have multiple ferrets observe
this in treat time, coming out of the cage time, etc.  The dominant
ferret(s) get stuff first & the others calmly wait their turn.  Your two
need to determine who is dominant in their relationship.  This is what they
are doing when hissing, following, sniffing, etc.  A few spats aren't bad.
They are just working things out.  Start letting their play time together be
a little bit longer.  Be careful not to show favoritism to one.  This may
cause jealousy in the other & cause it to take it out on the other fuzzy!
Sounds like things will work out way before December!
Amy Flemming
Flemming Farms
Please e-mail me at [log in to unmask] despite the origins of this post
Come see updates & photos of kits on the "Birth Announcement" page and
photos of the kits we got from Sam Young in New Zealand on the "About
Flemming Farms Ferrets" page
**Please stop by & vote for Seven Year Itch in Photo Contest on the "Very
Important Message" page**
[Posted in FML issue 2325]