Time flies, doesn't it?  It's now been two weeks since I left New Zealand.
I've met some wonderful people, played with some awesome fuzzies and had fun
teasing the dickens out of my hosts <G>
I just arrived in Texas last night, having already been in California and
New Mexico.  I'll be here until early Tuesday, and I'm happy to see that the
haze over Dallas from the fires in Mexico has lifted for my stay ;o) Whoever
arranged that - thanks :o)
I'm having a great time so far, and going by the people and ferrets I've met
so far, I'm looking forward to the others I'm scheduled to meet :o)
I have put some of the pictures I've taken up on a website for both storage
;o) and for those interested to take a look at.  Those who'd like to keep up
with the trip, can email me at [log in to unmask] for the URL.  It's
definitely nothing special.  I would rather be out and playing and meeting
people than making websites and updating them ;o)
Better get going now <g> See you all later!!
[Posted in FML issue 2324]