Since we don't know if it was Hexane or not that was the cause of death in
the 6 month old fuzzbutt we can only try to gather info and guard both
ourselves and our fuzz kids.
Here are some URLs regarding Hexane, not too pretty of a story, in fact
damn scary.    Don't know about you but this is now
                on the top of my list for causing warm fuzzy dreams, NOT.
The aktol web page lists Hexane as not expected to be a problem when
ingested, but another source copied and given to my by our toxic expert
here at work list it as slightly toxic by ingestion and inhalation.  Human
systemic effects are listed as: hallucinations, structural change in nerve
or sheath, experimental teratogenic and reproductive effects.  Mutation
data has been reported.  It is an eye irritant and can cause motor
neuropathy in exposed workers.
I'm not one to raise the alarm, but this really makes me pause in thought
about pet foods that contain rice bran.  If Hexane is used to remove the oil
from the bran in order to stop the bran from turning rancid what assurances
do we have that no toxic hexane is left.  After all the rice bran is used
mainly for animal feed and we know that the human standards for food do not
apply to animal food.
Just something to think.
Suzy Cecere
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Systems Engineer
Physio-Control Corporation
[Posted in FML issue 2323]