I've launched a search for information regarding Hexane and what products
might contained it.
So far I know is that it is a type of solvent.
I have sent e-mail to someone in the outside world that was posting to a
thread about hexane in soy oil.  I have also sent e-mail to our in house
toxic chemical person.  Both of these e-mails just went out.  I'm hoping
to hear something from one or both by the end of the day.
Will keep everyone posted on this.
It has me stumped as to how so young a fuzzbutt could have prolonged
exposure to any chemical.
Hexane we should all know, not only for our fuzzbutt's health, but also for
our health and other pets that we have.
Suzy Cecere
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Systems Engineer
Physio-Control Corporation
[Posted in FML issue 2323]