>Ok don't flame me for cruelty to Goldfish.
[clipped story of sacrificing living fish to amuse ferrets}
RESPONSE: Why shouldn't one be 'flamed' for such a horrible practice?
(and yes, that's a serious question asking for an explanation).
OPINION:  It's one thing to buy 'food' for animals that need such a diet,
but to torture (and yes, I would consider fish dying from suffocation and
mauling torture) an animal just because it's cheap and 'expendable' is as
humane and letting a pack of dobermans loose in a room full of ferrets.
CONCLUSION:  Please don't try this at home.  Fish are animals who feel pain
and fear and CAN die traumatic deaths.
   Mr. Erin M. Ennis    |       Any sufficiently convoluted argument can
 eennis(at)zoo,uvm,edu  |       be made to appear to be science as the
 Water Resources Major, |       layman equates incomprehensibility with
     Biology Minor      |       science.                -Unknown
    Uni. of Vermont     |
[Posted in FML issue 2323]