>Brae often "yawns" when I'm holding him or trying to cuddle him.  I'm sure
>it's a sign of irritation or impatience, but am not sure.  Can anyone
>explain this?
>... Do single ferrets get lonely?  He is in his cage during the day while
>we are at work/school, and let him out until bedtime .  Occasionally, I
>leave him out of his cage at night, too.  Should we get another ferret to
>keep him company, or is that necessary?
I have found that ferrets do better when they have a companion.  They are
more active and playful.  I bought my first ferret on day, got her home and
could tell that she missed the other ferrets, so I went out the very next
day and got her a sister.  She was like a different ferret.  Since then I
have add one more and hope to add another this summer of early fall.
As far a yawning, I am not sure of the cause.  I don't think it is because
of frustration because my Hope loves to be cuddled and she sometimes yawns
when I hold her.  They say humans yawn when they need a little more oxygen
in their systems and that is what I figure it is with ferrets.
Phyllis and the three Wigglies, Faith, Hope and Charrity
[Posted in FML issue 2323]