I almost burst with laughter last night, when I found out that our little
fuzzies aren't *always* as smart as they seem!
I was laying on the couch handing out fuzzie snacks to all six when I
noticed that their eyes were glued to every move of my hand.  So, I decided
to see how much attention they were *really* paying.  I put my finger above
the group and started twirling it in a cirle over them.  Each nose dutifully
followed the finger, never pausing to look around or talk to each other or
anything.  After about 15 seconds of watching the finger go round and round,
every one of them fell over to the right (I was moving the finger in a
clock-wise motion) and continued flopping over, because they had become
dizzy!  I couldn't believe how gullible they were! :)  It took a couple of
them almost a minute to recover, while the others were able to just stand up
and wobble a bit before taking up the begging position again.  I didn't have
the heart to do it again, but the memory still caused me to have to stop and
have a good laugh!
Todd and the (fuzzies wobble, then they all fall down!) Fuzzbutt Rodeo
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[Posted in FML issue 2322]