This is for all of those that have lost a special ferret,aren't they
all,recently and not so recently.
             You Left
You left your kisses on my nose.
You left your tail tickles on my feet.
You left your cold wet nose touches on my ankles.
You left the feel of soft silky fur under my fingers.
You left those raisin beggin looks in my eyes.
You left your excited dook dooks in my ears.
You left the weight  of your warm body draped around my neck.
You left your snuggles in my arms.
You left your love in my heart.
You left your pawprints in my mind.
I'm finally getting around to writing this for my first ferret,who died much
to young at 4 yrs.It was four years ago,but seems like yesterday.I'll always
be grateful to her for teaching me the joys of ferret companionship,and
ferret math.Thank you Chelsea.
This is a bit of a change for me.I usually like to keep things light.I
guess everyone backslides now and then.One note about exotic vs domestic.I
remember when exotic was a good thing,but being a domestic goddess,I like
domestic also.How about Domestic Exotic?
Dooks all around,Sandy(not again),Valentine(of course),Jasmine(it looked
like fun),Taz(I don't know)
[Posted in FML issue 2321]