Hi friends,
Those of you who came to the FML party in Orlando may remember my 'old man'
ferret-dude, Rikki.  He was a sweet-natured, gentle, loving sable mitt.
He was the boy I'd put my nervous rescues with to mellow out, or my
unsocialized rescues for education.  He was my beggar king - when I went
into the kitchen, he'd follow me, and beg so sweetly for raisins...I
couldn't resist those paws on my leg, and that begging face...He used to
sleep on my bed in that 'ferret donut' pose Last month I realized he had
'gone adrenal', and I had been keeping him away from the other guys because
of the behavior changes - the aggression, the sexual behavior, etc.  Surgery
would have been in July.  This past weekend, he somehow hurt his penis.  It
was bloody and painful to him, and he couldn't urinate.  I didn't feel safe
taking him to a new vet over the holiday, so we went to his regular vet this
morning.  His abdomen was swollen and sore, he was dehydrated (per the skin
test), he hadn't eaten, and he'd drunk very little for the last few days.
His temp was normal, but he was in pain.  He'd strain to pee, and couldn't,
and, although he did poop some, that hurt him as well.  His penis was bloody
and pussy by now.
The vet knew he was blocked, and, because of Rikki's general medical
condition, my options were to put him through painful surgery that might or
might not have worked, or release him to the Rainbow Bridge.  I chose to
release him, with all my love and hope for him.  He died quietly in my arms.
My vet, Dr Welborn, Temple Terrace Animal and Bird Hospital, was wonderful
and kind, and very straightforward.  His staff was affectionate and gentle
with me, and I'm, as always, grateful for their care & concern...
I went to the kitchen for coffee, and I looked for him, and he was gone.  I
live with nine other ferrets, but he was my first one, and he was so dear &
special.  He was a gentleman, and I mourn him.  Kiss your furbabies once for
Rikki, and hold them close.  We have them for so short a time...
Camille *(Ma, where's Rikki?)
Conan * (I'm the man of the house now, Ma, it'll be ok)
Heidi v Fredonia * (Aww, Ma, don't cry)
Zoe & Chloe * (Hey Ma, betcha can't tell us apart, huh?)
Sushi *  (Don't you wish you were as much of a lady as I am?)
Josie *(C'mere, Ma, I want to give you kissies)
Zelda *( So I'm eccentric, with a name like mine, I have to be!)
Eli * (Yup, yup, gonna cheer Mom, up, that's what I'm gonna do, yup)
Rikki, who started it all
[Posted in FML issue 2321]