>From:   zen and the art of ferrets - bill and diane <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: zen gets giddy over exotics...
>> Exotic means according to YOUR dictionary...
>>    1. Not from here.  Or 2. different.  Or 3. dancing naked.
>Well ferrets don't normally have clothes on when they do the ferret
>wardance so to me it sure sounds like ferrets are exotic dancers if not
>exotic pets.  <grinning broadly>
NO???  Gee, Jester often dresses in drag and does the hula while singing a
little ditty about a warthog.  'Course he *has* watched The Lion King about
62 times now...
Exotic pet or plain old dog... people all too frequently leap before they
look.  The "pounds" are full of cats and dogs - with dogs there seems to be
a huge problem with people who see a movie or see a "cute puppy" and rush
into ownership without ever taking 3 minutes to consider what is entailed in
owning the animal.  You have people getting their kids huge dogs (or older
folks getting huge dogs) that they expect just pop out of the damn fully
trained like Lassie.  When the dog becomes completely unmanageable, off to
the pound it goes, or perhaps worse, it is chained in the yard ingored,
dirty, unvacinated, unloved, and lucky if it receives a daily ration of poor
quality dog food, water and some form of shelter.  I've been involved with
animals all my life.  Dull everyday pet or exotic.  Domestic or wild.
Whatever... they all suffer horrible treatment at the hands of ignorent,
thoughtless people.
(the other) Kat & Jester, K.C.  the hearing dog and three other furry things
(mom, peel me another raisin; rub little lower please; more milk you pitiful
creature... and *hurry* before we use your leg as a scratch post!!)
>From:    Todd Leuthold <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: The Tongue
>The funniest part, was that, from my point of view, there was nothing but
>a tongue sticking up past the edge of the coffee table.  At first, I didn't
>know *what* to think.  Then, visions of the disembodied hand from the Adams
>Family movies came to mind and I burst out laughing.  Of course, Fuzzer
>didn't mind the laughter a bit and kept right on trying to sneak a snack!
Thanks for the humor Todd... we needed that!
(the other) Kat & company
[Posted in FML issue 2320]