1st an update on Harley.
Harley's missing eye started to swell on Saturday.  The 4th culture came
in and even after all the antibiotics there is still E.coli in the swabs.
He'll have to have another swab this week to see if the Baytril is working.
New auction items!  Diana, Princess of Wales collector stamps have just been
added to the auction block.  As well scary Halloween collector stamps & a
herb book.
The David D (X-Files star) Poster is at $30 while the Ron Howard CD is at
Beanie babies are still up for grabs as well as the Green Beanie beauty
"Erin" raffle.  Tickets for the Erin raffle will be $10 each.
Our raffle tickets for a ferret tent and other items are only $2 each or 3
for $5.  If you are interested in raffle tickets, e-mail us at
[log in to unmask] with how many you want.  You can then put your cheque in
the mail no later than June 1.  Draw is June 5.
Have a look at the auction page for details :o)
hope everyone had a great labour day week end :o)
The Ferret Aid Society
[Posted in FML issue 2320]